Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Handling Of Market Complaint SOP


1.0              OBJECTIVE:

To lay down the procedure for handling of market complaints in order to ensure that complaints receipt, investigation and review promptly with the aim of managing them in a timely manner to satisfy the complainant and to prevent further occurrences.

2.0              SCOPE:

This SOP is applicable to all the market complaints received at ----------------------------------

3.0              RESPONSIBILITY:

Head of concerned department i.e. Quality Control, Manufacturing (Tablets, Capsules, Ointment), Quality Assurance Head.

4.0              ACCOUNTABILITY:                       

Head-QA/Plant Head shall accountable for the compliance of this SOP.

5.0              PROCEDURE:

5.1              Any communication is written, electronic or verbal, received from any customer, business partners, or regulatory authority, regarding purity, efficacy, safety, labeling, defective physical appearance, shortage, complaint related to adverse drug reaction or any other such kind of problems are considered as Market Complaint and handled as per the procedure mentioned below.

5.1.1        On receipts of the complaints (either it has received from depot, Retailor, Customer), the Quality Assurance Head shall depute his officer or above for classification (Critical/Major/Minor) and investigation. The Complaint shall be recorded in Market Complaint Log as per Format No.: F/QA-008-01 and a unique number is allotted to the Complaint. It is allotted as QA/MC/XXYYY

                        Where QA-Quality Assurance

                               MC-Market Complaint Number

                               XX-Year of Complaint like 18 for the year 2018

                               YYY-Serial Number of the Market Complaint

                        Note: After receipt of any complaint information shall be shared with the party also (Third party/Loan license)

5.1.2        Fill in the other details like Complaint received from, Date, address for communication, Market Complaint Form as per Format No.: F/QA-008-02.

5.2              Segregate the complaint as per the category mentioned below. Either the sample or the photographs shall accompany the complaint. Quality Assurance Manager shall examine the details of Market Complaint and classify the complaint into one of the following three categories:

5.2.1        Minor: Product Packing or Physical Defects Related: Such as shortage, broken tablet, packing or sticking of tablets/ improper embossing / and or any other physical defects etc and inform the complainant and head Quality about this in writing within a time period of not more than 7 days from the date of complaint has been received.

5.2.2        Major: Wrong labeling or improper batch details / absence of batch details / wrong embossing / occurrence of particular matter extraneous matter/ noncompliance of any Pharmacopoeia or In-house (Patent & Proprietary) test parameters, Product Quality Related, related to Efficacy / Potency / Safety / Stability Microbiological attributes, counterfeit product etc.

5.2.3        Critical:

Medical Related: Such as any adverse reaction / allergic reaction / drug interaction / efficacy.

Market Alert: When a marketed product poses serious adverse health consequence or death.

5.3              After the complaint entry in the market complaint log and classification of the complaint, deputed QA designee shall check the genuiness of complaint by verifying the batch no, coding details, license no, appearance of product of complaint sample if received with the control sample and batch process record. After observing the details, ensure that the product is manufactured in our site or not.

5.4              Minor complaint shall be investigated by the Production Head along with deputed QA - Officer or above and reported to Head-QA for his evaluation. When no prime –facie exits as genuine complaint, this must be recorded with reason and signed by quality assurance head/designee.

5.5              On receipt of quality related complaint (Major), QA – Officer or above shall examine and give the retention sample of the batch corresponding to the complaint for analysis in the following cases:

5.5.1        Analytical related matter such as –Drop Assay of active materials, Rinse in impurities below limits, Dissolution, disintegration, bottle filled weight variations, Wt. variations in tablet/capsule, lump formation, pH limit, colour variation, Foul smell, if the complaint sample is received, he shall compare the retention sample analysis report with that of complaint sample analysis report and evaluate the differences observed, if any of the data indicates variance with the initial COA value - (such as, drop in Assay or rise in Impurities below limits), Head - QA shall proceed for investigation.

5.6              If the results are same as in the COA, the Head QA shall inform the complainant accordingly.

5.7              If the analysis reveals any stability related problems, deputed QA-Officer or above may investigate batch history, storage and distribution. Deputed QA-Officer or above shall share the findings to the Production Head and Head-QA.

5.8              Deputed QA-Officer or above and Production Head shall review various records/documents during investigation. These may include executed BPCRs (BMR/BPR), analytical test records, sampling and release records and other processing records.

            5.9       The deputed QA-Officer or above will submit the investigation report to the Head-QA in Market Complaint form as per Format No.: F/QA-008-02 for review / comments.

            5.10     Head QA shall decide the root cause factor for the complaint on the basis of finding.

            5.11     Critical complaint shall be investigated in case of complaint being product quality related or medical related. Quality Assurance head shall investigate the complaint along with proposed corrective actions and preventive actions as per SOP for Corrective Action Preventive Action (SOP-QA-031) to prevent recurrence.

            5.12     The procedure of investigation shall be initiated within 48 hours (for critical complaints: 24 hours) completed with in a period of not more than 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. If the investigation is not completed within 15 days, then written communication shall be sent to the complainant immediately and extension of further 7 days is considered. However the investigation must be completed within 21 days from date of receipt of complaint. In case if any sample or information is awaited from the party the complaint remains open after 21 days .If any reply does not come from the party with in 60 days ,then the complaint is considered as not genuine and is closed by putting the remark. If party respond after closing of the market complaint it will be consider as a new market complaint.

                        Note - Any complaint overdue from the required time shall be justified with reason.

            5.13     After completing investigation activity, the Quality Assurance head shall inform President Technical and communicate the nature of Complaint and action required. If the investigation yields the result as follows:

                        5.13.1  Failure of the product / batch to meet the regulatory specification.

                        5.13.2  Physical / visual deterioration including leakages.

                        5.13.3  Adverse drug reaction due to defect in the Product/Batch.

                        5.13.4  Possibility / evidence of microbiological contamination to an extent that the product may not be of acceptable quality.

                        5.13.5  Product / Label mix-up.

            5.14     After this, the Quality Assurance Head in consensus with President Technical takes action to recall of affected / related product batches as per SOP “Product Recall”.

            5.15     After the complaint investigation is completed and based on the finding of investigation report, action taken regarding the same, the complaint shall be closed with reply to complaint originator and filled the remark column.

            5.16     The record of complaint, investigation and supporting documents shall be maintained for a period of at least one year after expiry of the product batch involved.

            5.17     Perform trend analysis of the market complaints annually.

            5.18     The effective date for corrective and preventive action should be specified in the format. The corrective / preventive action effectiveness and result should be verified by QA Dept then after the market complaint will be closed out.



Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.


Market Complaint Log



Market Complaint Form



7.0              REFERENCE:

7.1              SOP-QA-001

7.2              F/QA-001-01

7.3              SOP-QA-031

7.4              SOP-QA-014


8.0              REVISION DETAILS:


Sr. No.


Reason for Revision

Revision No







Schedule Revision



9.0              ABBREVIATIONS:

Sr. No





Standard operating procedure



Certificate of analysis




Sr. No.

Date of Receipt

Market Complaint No.

Complaint Received from

Product Name


Nature of Complaint

Investigation Carried Out By/On

Replied To Complaint Originator By/On

Final Close Out Date




















































































1.      Market Complaint No.:


2.      Date:


3.      General Information:

        Complained received on


4.      Product Name:


5.      Batch No.:


6.      Mfg Date:


7.      Exp. Date:


8.      Pack Size:


9.      Complaint received from:-

(Name & address)





10.  Complaint sample received ( Put a tick mark)






11.  Photograph sample received ( Put a tick mark)







12.  Description Of Complaint:








13.  Complaint category  (Type of Complaint) ( Put a tick mark)

Critical - Medical Related:

Such as any adverse reaction or serious health risk / allergic reaction / drug interaction / efficacy.

Major -Wrong labeling or improper batch details / absence of batch details / wrong embossing / occurrence of particular matter extraneous matter/ noncompliance of any Pharmacopoeia or In-house (Patent & Proprietary) test parameters, Product Quality Related: related to Efficacy / Potency / Safety / Stability Microbiological attributes.

Minor - Product Packing or Physical Defects Related: Such as shortage, broken tablet, packing or sticking of tablets/ improper embossing / and or any other physical defects.






14.  Complaint Sample Observation:

Complaint sample received on

Received from


Observed By/ Date

Remarks, if any












15.1    Review of Respective Nature:-


Is similar type of complaint received from subjective Batch earlier :-     ( Put  a tick mark)







If Yes, specify Year & complaint number


Year:______________       Complaint No.: _____________________


Is similar type of complaint received for same product :-            ( Put a tick mark)






If Yes, specify Year & complaint number


Year:______________       Complaint No.: _____________________


15.2     Observation and analytical findings (attach analytical records in case of any analysis is carried out)

 (Put a tick mark)

Complaint samples

Control samples

Related samples (specify)





15.2.1    Analysis details



Batch No.

Mfg. date

Exp. date

Report No.







Analysis by

Checked by/on

Reviewed by/on


Remark if any









15.3    Investigation of finding and comment by Quality Control Head as per SOP-QA-075:-






















16.1    Brief summary of Investigation finding and comments from QA (Initiator)  :-


























16.2    Brief summary of Investigation finding and comments by Production Head  :-



















16.3    Review of finding, Root cause /Causative Factor and comment by Quality Assurance Head:-
























16.4    Action Required: (put tick mark)


Corrective action:-



Preventive action:-




16.4.1    Evaluation and Conclusion after Implementation of  CAPA  :
















16.4.2    Closure Remark ( if any) by Quality Assurance Head:-

















16.4.3    Close Out Date Of The market complaint  After Investigation / Evaluation:____________________


















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