Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Thursday, 26 November 2020

Preparation, Approval, Authorization, Control, Revision & Destruction of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


1.0              OBJECTIVE:

To lay down a procedure to write / prepare, review, approve, authorize, control, revision and destruction of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

2.0              SCOPE:

This procedure is applicable to prepare the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for initiation, implementation, review, approval, authorization, issuance, control, revision of SOP’s and procedure for destruction of obsolete SOP's at -----------------------

3.0              RESPONSIBILITY:

3.1              Officer/Designee or above (Originating Department) - Preparation of SOP’s.

3.2              Department Head (Originating Department) - Reviewing of SOP’s.

3.3              QA Manager / Designee - Approval of SOP’s.

3.4              Plant Head / GM – Authorization of SOP’s.

3.5              QA (Quality Assurance) Personnel - For control, issuance, retrieval and destruction of SOP’s.

4.0              ACCOUNTABILITY:                       

The Accountability of implementation and compliance of the SOP is of respective Department Head & QA Head.

5.0              PROCEDURE:

5.1              Instructions:

5.1.1        All SOP’s shall be written and prepared in the format given in F/QA-001-01.

5.1.2        All SOP’s shall be written in English language as all the technicians, Supervisor, Officers and Managers are expected to follow English to implement and execute.

5.1.3        The language used in SOP shall be clear, instructive, sequential and unambiguous.

5.1.4        In case the user is directly doing activity and is not able to read or understand English, the SOP shall be translated in Hindi language also.

5.2              Body of SOP: All SOP’s have following sequence.

5.2.1        OBJECTIVE:

Every SOP shall explain the purpose for which the Standard Operating Procedure is prepared.                       

5.2.2        SCOPE:

Every SOP shall indicate where the Standard Operating Procedure is applicable.

5.2.3        RESPONSIBILITY:

Every Standard Operating Procedure shall indicate the position/department responsible for implementing the respective procedure.

5.2.4        ACCOUNTABILITY:

Every SOP shall explain in detail who is accountable for the implementation and compliance of SOP.

5.2.5        PROCEDURE:  Every SOP shall explain in detail the procedure to be followed and the records to be maintained to demonstrate that SOP is being implemented.  The Procedure of SOP shall be written in simple language, understandable by user. The procedure shall cover all activities of operation in order and area of application mentioned in scope. Start the procedure from precautions, if available, then followed with instructions for procedure.  Precaution: The detailed precaution should be mentioned. This can include the safety measure to be adopted while carrying out the activity. This may also include the statement of warning, which may affect the overall activity. If no such precautions are applicable, directly start with activity stepwise.  Acceptance Criteria and Frequency: After completion of the activity, the criteria on the basis of which that activity will be considered complete and the acceptance level will be mentioned. If there is no such criteria directly go for next step frequency if repetition of activity other then mentions frequency.  Wherever necessary, Notes, References, Annexures, Flow Charts, and Drawings or Definitions shall be added to bring clarity to Standard Operating Procedure.


Every Standard Operating Procedure shall indicate the annexures and formats to be followed, as applicable.

5.2.7        REFERENCE:

Every Standard Operating Procedure shall indicate references.

5.2.8        REVISION HISTORY:

Every Standard Operating Procedure shall explain the revision details in the last page including Effective Date, Revision No., Reason for Revision and Type of Revision.

5.2.9        ABBREVIATIONS:

Every Standard Operating Procedure shall explain the abbreviations details in the last page including Sr. No., Abbreviations and detailed meaning of abbreviations used in the SOP.


NOTE: Cleaning, calibration services, maintenance, safety shall be dealt in the Standard Operating Procedure, wherever required and shall be the part of the procedure.

Equipment/Instrument Number shall be covered in the scope including the name/model of the Equipment/Instrument.

5.3              In procedure if activity is divided in steps, each step must be in bold letter.


Each page of standard operating procedure consists of header at the top as shown in format No.: F/QA-001/01 and details as mentioned below:

(a)       All characters of header are to be mentioned in bold fonts.

(b)      The header consists of 7 rows. Rows no 2, 3, 7 consist no column where as row no. 1 consist 3 columns and row no. 4, 5, 6 consist 2 columns.

(c)       In first row, the name of the Organization (including name & location) in Bold Letter of 11 font size in ‘’Times New Roman’’ with “Logo” of Organization in left corner on top followed by “Standard Operating Procedure” in centre written in bold and capital letter of the line spacing between sub-heading and first line of content should be 6pt.

(d)      In second row, the subject of the document i.e. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) should be written.

(e)       In third row, the title of Corresponding SOP is to be mentioned.

(f)       In the first column of fourth row mention SOP No. as described in section 5.6.1

(g)       In second column of fourth row write page number: The “page numbering” for the SOP shall be done in the format “Page x of y” at the designated place in the Header. Only the SOP shall be given page numbers in a sequential manner, however, the annexure / format to the SOP shall be page numbered individually e.g. Format F/QA-001-01, Annexure A/QA-001-01   

(h)      In the first and second column of fifth row, mention effective date and review date respectively as describe in section 5.6.4

(i)        In the first and second column of sixth row, mention previous and new version.

(j)        In the seventh row, mention originating dept from which the SOP has been originated / initiated.


5.3.2        SOP NO.: Allocate different identification number as follows: SOP-XX-YYY.

Each number consists of 10 characters.

First 3 characters indicates Standard Operating Procedure

4th Characters is ‘-‘dash.

5th & 6th Characters indicates department Code.

7th Characters is ‘-‘dash.

 Last 3 Characters are numerical which indicate the sequential number commencing at 001 for each department. The department code for all departments shall be given below:


Sr. No.




Quality Assurance



Quality Control






Personnel & Administration



Production (Tablet)



Production (Capsule)



Production (Ointment)



Warehouse (RM/PM/FG)



5.3.3        PAGE NO.: Written as X of Y, where X is sequential page number and Y is total number of pages and also a provision for “Space For Master Copy Stamp” shall be provided to stamp the “Master Copy” in green colour.

5.3.4        EFFECTIVE DATE: This date mentions the day on which SOP is implemented for any particular Operation.

5.3.5        NEXT REVIEW DATE: The SOP shall have review date after two years from the effective date.

Note: If there is no change in SOP, during the periodic review, it shall be reprinted incorporating the revised effective date / review date, revision number and the reason of review as ‘Periodic review’.


(a)    An “Effective Date” in DD/MM/YY format (e.g. 01/11/20 for 1st Nov 2020) shall be assigned to each SOP, after taking into consideration the necessary training period and creating awareness to all concerned prior to effective date.

(b)   A “Review Date” in DD/MM/YY format (e.g. 31/10/22 for 31st Oct. 2022) shall be assigned to each Standard Operating Procedure.


5.3.7        Next Review Date: The SOP shall have review date after two years from the effective date. The Review shall be completed within 30 days from the previous review month

5.3.8        REVISION NO.: The New version of SOP shall be written, as ‘R0’ has to be registered. It is revision then subsequent revision no. has to be given e.g. ‘R1’, ‘R2’.

5.3.9        SUPERSEDES SOP NO.: This section shall have previous SOP number along with revision number. e.g. SOP-QA-001 shall come in category of superseded and shall be mentioned as SOP-QA-001/R1.


                                                                               I.            PREPARED BY: Person of the Originating Department shall Sign and Date.

                                                                            II.            REVIEWED BY: Head of the Originating Department shall Sign and Date.

                                                                         III.            APPROVED BY: Quality Assurance Manager or, his/her designee shall approve all SOP’s.

                                                                          IV.            AUTHORIZED BY: Plant Head / GM shall authorize all SOP’s.

Note: The name and designation of each of the above mentioned participating person must be printed.  All SOP’s shall be printed in Black ink and Prepared By, Reviewed By, Approved By, Authorized By & all the Signatures / Date in master should be done in Blue colour ball pen only. Also a provision for “Stamp” shall be provided to stamp the information as described in the step 5.18 to 5.26, as applicable.

5.4              All points in the SOP shall be numbered sequentially. Similarly the sub-paragraphs of each point shall also be numbered sub sequentially, with an increasing number derived from the heading number.

For example if the heading number is 1, the sub heading shall have sequentially number as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and so on. Each step under the sub heading 1.1 shall be numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and so on. In case where numbering of sub paragraphs is not necessary, and listing is essential, bullets or other suitable identification marks may be used to illustrate the same.

5.5              The following is the procedure for giving Format Number to SOP.

Format No.: F/XX-YYY-01


Each number consists of 11 characters.

(a)      In format first character F indicates ‘’Format’’

(b)      2nd characters is ‘/’.

(c)       3rd & 4th character indicates department code to which to which the SOP belong to as described in step 5.6.1.

(d)      5th characters is ‘-‘dash.

(e)       6th, 7th & 8th characters indicate the serial number of SOP to which format belongs.

(f)        9th character is ‘-‘dash.

(g)      Last 2 characters 10th & 11th are numerical which indicate the serial number commencing from 01 for each format.

5.6              A SOP shall be neatly typed using a computer (Microsoft Word) and printed in black ink on A4 size white paper (on one side of the paper only).

5.7              The font type and font size of the printed letters, including Header and Footer, shall be uniform (Times New Roman 11), except where bold text is required as in case of Header, Headings and note.

5.8              For the SOP typing, the following page setup / word formatting details may be used preferably:

·         Top/ Bottom Margins = 0.5 inch

·         Left and Right Margins = 0.5 inch & 0.5 inch

·         Gutter 0 inch (from left) Header/Footer

·         Line spacing = Single, Heading/ Subheading = Bold letters

·         Paragraph spacing (before & after) = 6 Points

5.9              The Last page of the Standard Operating Procedure should have, in addition to the above “End of Document”.

5.10          The SOP shall be initiated by Officer/ Executive of concerned department. The draft of SOP shall be discussed with a group comprising of Operating Manager, QA Head & Head of other departments.

5.11          The draft copy of Standard Operating Procedure shall be finally discussed in the meeting coordinated by Quality Assurance along with concerned Production, Engineering, and Quality Control Department after discussion and adding suggestion given by the concerned persons from Engineering, Production, Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

5.12          Take the final print out of Standard Operating Procedure and signed by all concern and shall be authorized by Plant Head / GM. Authorized copy shall be treated as “Master Copy”. Master copy should remain with Head of Quality Assurance Department in the Master SOP file. An electronic copy of all current and historical SOP’s shall be maintained by Head of Quality Assurance Department.

5.13          Quality Assurance and Head of the Department will jointly organize for training on the SOP to concerned departmental employee within 2 weeks from the Date of authorization. A written evaluation shall be made of the training imparted to employees by Quality Assurance as per Standard Operating Procedure SOP-QA- 002 “Training of employees”.

5.14          The written evaluation record of all SOP training record is kept with HR department.

5.15          QA Officer / Executive shall receive the request for required SOP in “Requisition for SOP Issuance” requisition Format No. F/QA-001-02 duly signed with reason for the requirement.

5.16          The SOP Issuance Requisition shall be approved by concerned Department Head or his designee and authorized by QA Head or his Designee.

5.17          After getting the authorization for issuance the distribution of SOP are recorded in the “SOP Distribution and Retrieval Record” as per format no F/QA-001-03 and allotted a unique number.

5.18          Required photocopies of Master Standard Operating Procedure shall be made and copy shall be stamped with the following information in the specified column with type of copy at the bottom of the right hand side of the footer under the heading “Stamp” filling the required details and duly signed by Quality Assurance person.

5.19          Procedure of Display Copy No.: Allocate different identification number as follows:            @@/SOP-XXX

Each number consists of 10 characters.

(a)    First 2 characters indicates Department Code 

(b)   3rd Characters is ‘/‘.slash

(c)    4th Characters indicates SOP

(d)   5th Characters is ‘-‘dash.

(e)    Last 3 Characters are Numerical which indicate the sequential number commencing at 001 for each department.


Sr. No

Type of Copy




Master Copy


                                                                                                       MASTER COPY




Display Copy



Sign & Date:




Controlled Copy



Sign & Date:




Uncontrolled Copy






Obsolete Copy



Sign & Date:




  If the document is required to be given to an outside agency, a photocopy of the Master Copy shall be made with the permission of the Head of Quality Assurance. Each page of each copy shall be stamped with the following information in black ink at the bottom of the right hand side of the footer under the heading “Stamp” of the document and duly signed by Quality Assurance personnel. 


5.21.1    Frequency: All SOPs revision 2 year ±30 Days

5.21.2    Standard Operating Procedure shall be reviewed on or before due date of review (i.e. 2 year ±1 Month from the effective date) by following the step 5.7.6 of this Standard Operating Procedure.

5.21.3    A Standard Operating Procedure shall be reviewed whenever there is any change which has potential impact on quality, safety, efficacy of the product.

5.21.4    Any person wishing to revise a Standard Operating Procedure (With Department Head Approval) will request for a “Change Control Requisition Form” from the Quality Assurance Department. The Quality Assurance personnel will issue a controlled copy of the “Change Control Requisition Form” with sign and date

5.21.5    The Display Copies of the new revised SOP will be issued for display as per the procedure. All the Display copies of previous Standard Operating Procedure shall be collected by Head of Quality Assurance Department / designee before distributing / issuing Standard Operating Procedure.

Note:   The obsolete copies of SOP shall be destroyed by shredding.

5.21.6    In situations where SOP has to be issued outside the department for any reason whatsoever, the same shall be issued as Controlled Copy. 

5.21.7    The previous Standard Operating Procedure shall be destroyed and number of copies destroyed shall be recorded in the “SOP Distribution and Retrieval Record” as per format no F/QA-001-03. The SOP distribution record will be maintained along with Superseded SOP.


A.                 The Master copy should be deleted mentioning “SUPERSEDED” and shall be maintained in a “Redundant Standard Operating Procedure” file. The Standard Operating Procedure may also be reviewed before Due Date of Review because of a change in process, utility, change in specification and method of testing.

B.                 A Standard Operating Procedure shall be deleted in following circumstances but not limited to:

·            Equipment/system/utility/instrument is not in use i.e. Discontinued.

·            Equipment/system/utility/instrument is transferred to another area.

·            However, the same SOP number shall not be allotted to any newly created SOP.

C.                 Any person wishing to delete a Standard Operating Procedure (With approval of Department Head) will request for a “Change Control Requisition Form” from the Head of Quality Assurance Department. The Head of Quality Assurance Department/designee will issue a copy to concern department of the current revision of the Standard Operating Procedure with the “Change Control Form” attached indicating “Deletion”.

D.                 The “Change control Form” will be routed for approvals. Approval of the deletion will be indicated by signature and date on the “Change Control Form”.

E.                 Once the deletion has been approved by the Head of Quality Assurance Department, then a date will be assigned by the Head of Quality Assurance Department as deletion date. Then all the distributed copies are withdrawn / retrieved from the distributed location by the QA Officer / Designee.

F.                  SOP Number of deleted document will not be reused after deletion of the document. The distributed copy of the deleted document will be retrieved back and same will be destroyed and number of copies destroyed shall be recorded in the “SOP Distribution and Retrival Record” as per format no F/QA-001-03.

G.                The Master copy of the deleted document should be defaced mentioning, Obsolete Copy on all the pages including formats in red ink at the centre of the document and it is to be maintained in “Obsolete Document File”.

H.                Such obsolete copies shall be maintained for history.

5.21.9    LIST OF FORMATS:

All related formats shall be tabulated as below:-


Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.








The entire format should be in the specified header only as per the format and should not contain footer.     


All changes/revision (addition/deletion) in the sop shall be reflected in the “Revision Details”. Shall be tabulated as below:

Effective Date

Revision No.

Reason for Revision

Type of Revision








The dates which are pre-printed shall be mentioned in DD/MM/YY Manner. The type of revision as Periodic Review / Interim Review / Need Base whichever is applicable.

In case of new SOP, it shall be written as “New SOP” in Type of Revision and mention ‘R0’ in the revision no column & “New SOP” in reason for revision column.

6.0              LIST OF FORMATS:           

Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.


SOP Format



Requisition for SOP Issuance



SOP Distribution and retrieval record



SOP Index


7.0              REFERENCE:

8.0              REVISION HISTORY:

Effective Date

Revision No.

Reason for Revision

Type of Revision




9.0              ABBREVIATIONS:

Sr. No.





Standard Operating Procedure



Not Applicable



Quality Assurance



General Manager



Quality Control





Sr. No.

Serial Number



Raw Material



Packing Material



Head of Department













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