Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Good Documentation Practices SOP


1.0        OBJECTIVE:

To lay down a procedure to describe the steps to be followed for good documentation practices to ensure that each personnel receives a clear and detailed description of the relevant job assignment to minimize the risk of misinterpretation and error.

2.0        SCOPE:

This SOP is applicable to the entire documentation involved throughout the facility of Plant Name, Address--------------------------


The responsibility for Good Documents Practices lay with all departments’ employees, Chemist, officer, and Executive and HOD.

4.0        ACCOUNTABILITY:                       

Concerned Department Heads and Quality Assurance Head shall be accountable for the implementation and complies of the SOP.

5.0        PROCEDURE:

5.1  In accordance with cGMP requirements all batch production and control records and laboratory records shall be reviewed by a second person (supervisor or checker) for accuracy, completeness, and compliance with established standards.

5.2  If any discrepancies are found in the review, they shall be investigated using an Incident Report. The investigation shall include, review of the raw data, reference documents, etc. After satisfactory review, necessary corrections shall be made to the records. An additional sheet with the corrections shall be attached to the original records, if necessary. The corrections shall be countersigned by the checker/supervisor on the current date. Training shall be imparted to the concerned persons, if the investigations revealed the need for training, as per Training of Personnel. For the record to be considered reliable and trustworthy they must comply with the Principles of ALCOA, i.e.

·         A-Attributable: Who made the record or created the data and when?

·         L-Legible: They must be able to be read and understood for the lifetime of the record, without having to refer to the originator for classification. The information may be needed as per pre-defined time period, perhaps after the originator is no longer available.

·         C-Contemporaneous: The record must be made at the time the activity was performed.

·         O-Original: The earliest record of the data could be a written observation, printout or electronic file, or a certified copy thereof. The information must not be written on a post-it, piece of scrap paper, sleeve of a lab coat, etc., and then transcribed or saved in a temporary location.

·         A-Accurate: No errors or editing without documented changes

ALCOA+ focused on Complete, Consistent, Enduring and Available data.

·         Complete: When data is complete in nature, it means there is no deletion that has taken place from the date of documenting. This includes any changes that have been made during the life of the data.

·         Consistent: The data should be chronologically arranged, with time stamps included for any addition to the original data. Consistency should be ensured by applying various audits over the life of the data.

·         Enduring: The material used to record the data should be in a manner which will last a long duration of time without losing the readability.

·         Available: Data should be accessible whenever needed, over the life of the data. Availability ensures the data meets its use, since it can be applied when the need arises.

5.2.1        Key Qualities  of Regulated Documents:

Documents must be Concise, Legible, Accurate & Traceable Records.

Concise: The document must be tell the entire story and must be easily understood without misinterpretation.

Legible: The information must be readable.

Traceable Records: Documentation should be traceable. Each aspect of document must be traceable like who recorded it, when, where and why.

5.3  All GMP documentation at PREET REMEDIES LIMITED, shall be done with indelible blue ink ball point pen only

5.4  All entries, except IPQA, should be made with blue ball pen in clear and legible handwriting.

5.5  All entries by IPQA for verified by/ checked by (where IPQA is counter checking) shall be done in green ball pen.

5.6  Any cancellation made to the entry on a document should be struck with a single line, along with abbreviation for reason as per section 5.9, & sign and date. White outs, blade and eraser should not be used and no information should be obscured by any means.

WE (Abbreviation for Reason), Sign and Date

Example: BATCH  


5.7  Overwriting in the documents shall be avoided.

5.8  Date of the correction strike with single line and write the correct value above, below, right or left of the wrong Date along with abbreviation for reason as per section 5.9, sign and date, the correction was made, not the date the error was made.

WD (Abbreviation for Reason), Sign and Date

Example: 05/02/2020  


5.9  Following abbreviations shall be used for reason of the correction.


Type of Error

Explanation of the error


Wrong entry

Error arising during writing i.e. entry of data


Spelling error

Error in the spellings


Not legible

Not clearly readable entry


Empty entry (Found)

Entries which are not filled


Wrong date

Wrong date during entry


Calculation Error

Error due to wrong calculation


Wrong Selection

Error due to wrong selection of options


5.10    In case an empty entry is found, then put a strike mark and write the correct data/value and mention ‘’EE’’ as per table in section 5.8.

5.11    In case of wrong selection put a strike mark on the selection and write ‘’WS’’ and mention the correct selection.

5.12    If space is not available, then put asterisk mark (*) there and put this mark (*) wherever space available on the same page and put the correct entry here.

5.13    In single page not more than three corrections (as per GDP procedure) are permitted, retraining to be provided to the concerned if it exceeds.

5.14    Supplements or any other printout attached to records should be signed with date.

5.15    Wherever more than one option is available, strike off the options which are not applicable.

Example: Equipment No. PROBAL-01 / PROBAL-02 / PROBAL-03.

5.16    Entry should be made or completed at the time of each action taken or activity is performed.

5.17    All the entries should be done online and the records shall be made or completed at the time each action is taken and in such a way that all significant activities concerning the manufacturing of medicinal products are traceable.

5.18    Postdating (entering a date in the future) and backdating (entering a date on a day after the entry was performed) are not permitted.

5.19    Wherever issued document requires the entry of additional data, information which is not provided in the document, the same should be handwritten legibly and should be signed with date by the personnel making the entry.

5.20    All the columns of the document should be filled. If any column of the document does not require an entry, mention “NA” (Not Applicable) or a line diagonally across the page from left top to right bottom, put “NA” with a signature and date at the bottom example given:

                            Table/Sheet not in use                                       





Checked by






















                                                  sign and date








sign and date

If a process is not performed or is not applicable, the same should be indicated by writing “NA”  (Not Applicable ) and diagonal line across the page, with a signature and date at the bottom example given:



Page not in use


5.22    If an observation / recording is found ok / acceptable, the same should be indicated with a tick (ü) mark. Wherever legends such as ‘ü’ or ‘û’ are used, the same should be specified at the bottom of the document.

5.23    Reason / Remark should be entered in the record for any significant cancellations.

5.24    If any observations / signature / date to be repeated, the same should be rewritten. Ditto (----“----) marking should not be used.

5.25    For each activity, signature for operation done by and checked by should be done.

5.26    As far as possible short forms or abbreviations should not be used. In unavoidable circumstances, full form for the used abbreviation must be given at the end of the document.

5.27    Where logbooks are used in place of loose formats for recording, each page of the logbook should be numbered.

5.27.1    Date shall be written in DD/MM/YY form only. E.g. 25/04/20

5.28    The time format shall be in HH:MM and 24 hour only.

E.g. 09:00 Hrs for 09.00 AM, and 13:00 Hrs for 01:00 PM

5.29    Document entries should be done by the responsible person for that operation.

5.30    Document entries made using carbon should be legible and clear.

5.31    Do not use pencil, ink pens and flair pens at any time.

5.32    Do not reuse scrap paper or sheets for recording any data.

5.33    No handwritten change or corrections shall be made to the printed text of an approved cGMP document. Any change required to an approved cGMP documents shall be handled as per change control system

5.34    If any document/ page has to be change due to legibility, wrong entry purpose, it shall be reissued as “DUPLICATE” and the original page shall be retained along with it in the original document with the file note that this document has “duplicate page”.

5.35    Any instruction / information / data stored in computer hard disc or soft copies (electronic copy) of such documents shall not be considered as official for regulatory purposes. The printed copies, which are signed and distributed in accordance with the instructions, shall be considered as official documents.

5.36    Product and operation related electronic data such as issue of a batch formula and instructions for batch manufacturing, specifications for testing, indents of materials; price information etc. shall have limited access control by providing password.

5.37    Backup data shall be stored in hard disk as well as in CD’s as appropriate by the document controller.

5.38    Soft copies of the master documents shall have limited access (only by Document controller) and issuance of such soft copies to other department shall be only on the approval by the QA Head.

5.39    Preparation, Review and Approval of Documentation:

5.39.1    Documents shall be prepared by user department, reviewed by user department Head/designee & QA and approved by QA Head/designee (As per the approved format of the document)

5.39.2    During review if any mistake is observed by reviewer, same shall be corrected by the doer on the data the mistake observed. If doer is not available, the mistake shall be reviewed and corrected by the reviewer or the person who is trained for the same activity.

5.39.3    IPQA Personnel are authorized to check and approve the activities which are performed by production personnel but production personnel are not authorized to check the activities performed by IPQA personnel.

5.40    Authorized document (i.e. SOPs/Protocols) can only be made effective after users have been trained.

5.41    All documents shall have a unique document number.

5.42    Every page of a document shall be marked with the page number as well as the total number of page in the document.

5.43    While preparing or designing a document adequate space shall be provided for recording the required information.

5.44    The reviewer shall verify that the header of the table (if any) shall be repeated on each page.

5.45    Whenever IPQA personnel perform in-process test, in verify column ‘’NA’’ shall be mentioned.

5.46    ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: All documents should be prepared and filled as per SOP.

5.47    FREQUENCY: Whenever new document prepared and filled the documents/records.

6.0        LIST OF ANNEXURE AND FORMATS:                            

Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.





7.0        REFERENCES:

7.1  SOP-QA-001

7.2  F/QA-001-01



Sr. No.


Reason for Revision

Revision No







Schedule Revision





Sr. No





Standard operating procedure



Quality assurance






Compacted Disk



In-process Quality Assurance



Current Good Manufacturing Practices



Not Applicable















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