Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Line Clearance (LC) SOP


1.0              OBJECTIVE:

To lay down the procedure for line clearance before starting any stage Manufacturing operations in manufacturing and warehouse area. This is to ensure that the start up of any production / process is free from previous material /contaminants.

2.0              SCOPE:

This SOP is applicable for line clearance of Production (Tablets), Production (Capsules), Production (Ointment), and warehouse areas of Formulation plant of ---------------------------------------

3.0              RESPONSIBILITY:

3.1              Operator/Supervisor shall be responsible for proper cleaning of equipment /area.

3.2              Production Chemist/Officer and originating department shall be responsible for checking the cleanliness of the area/equipment.

3.3              IPQA Officer shall be responsible for giving Line Clearance and complies of this SOP.

4.0              ACCOUNTABILITY:

4.1              The Accountability lies upon all originating department for Complies of this SOP.

4.2              QA Head - accountability for implementation and complies of this SOP.


5.0              PROCEDURE:               

5.1              After area is checked and found appropriate by production personnel they should intimate the IPQA personnel for Line Clearance.

5.2              After getting the intimation form production, IPQA person should ensure following points.

5.3              Ensure the cleaning of entire area and equipment after every product/batch changeover as per their respective SOP.

5.4              Ensure that the area cleaning should be done as mentioned in the SOP for cleaning of the respective area.

5.5              Ensure that there are no traces of labels, scrap/material of the previous product.

5.6              Ensure the removal of all the documents/materials not required for the planned process.

5.7              Ensure the room temperature and relative humidity is as per specified limit.

5.8              Ensure the room differential pressure is as per specified limit.

5.9              Ensure that riser filters are cleaned after every product changeover.

5.10          After cleaning of the area and equipment ensure visually that the cleaning is appropriate & verify the balance and check its records.

5.11          Cleaning shall be checked by the officer of the concern department and IPQA personnel shall verify.

5.12          In case there is any previous product traces, re-perform the cleaning procedure unless the area/equipment is cleaned properly.

5.13          After proper cleaning of equipments / area, production personnel shall intimate to IPQA personnel along with intimation slip for collection of swab / rinse sample, if required.

5.14          After receipt of  the swab / rinse report from QC department as approved, IPQA personnel  shall verify the report and give the line clearance as per BMR & BPR and simultaneously sign in the BMR & BPR

5.15          In case swab report has failed, re-perform the cleaning and analysis till cleaning is satisfactory.

5.16          After verification of all required check points, IPQA personnel shall give the line                         clearance.

5.17          If there is breakdown of more than ½ Hr in between any process of production, then the line clearance should be taken again

5.18          Machine / Line clearance is required for the following stages and not limited:

·         Dispensing of raw materials.

·         Dispensing of packing material

·         Conversion of bulk into respective dosage form e.g. Granulation, compression, coating, capsule filling, etc.

·         Blister and strip packing machine.

·         Packing lines.

5.19          Residual recovery / Balance material, if any of previous product are removed from the area and kept under lock and key / destroyed.

5.20          All used hand gloves, dusters of previous product are removed from line.

5.21          Waste bin for waste is emptied.

5.22          Ensure that the equipment is clean, affixed with “Cleaned” status label and is within the “Use before date”.

5.23          Line clearance at the time of overprinting/over coding

5.23.1    Check that the defined area is clean.

5.23.2    Check that the remnants and rubber stereos of the previous product are removed.

5.23.3    Check that the equipment is clean, it bears status label as ‘Cleaned’.

5.23.4    Check the coding details of the carton / label against the coding information. Get it counter checked by QA person. Affix the signed specimen with the BPR.

5.23.5    The technical supervisor of production and quality assurance signs the specimen.

5.24          Acceptance criteria: Area and equipments should be free from any residue of previous product.

5.25          Frequency:  Whenever required.



Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.


Respective Product Batch Manufacturing Record

As per the Product


7.0              REFERENCES:

7.1              SOP-QA-001

7.2              F/QA-001-01

7.3              SOP-QA-014





8.0              REVISION HISTORY:   

Sr. No.


Reason for Revision

Revision No







Schedule Revision



9.0              ABBREVIATIONS:

Sr. No





Standard operating procedure



Quality Assurance



Quality Control



Batch Manufacturing Record



Batch Packing Record



In-process Quality Assurance



Line Clearance










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