Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Document Management System

1.0        OBJECTIVE:

To lay down the procedure for document management system and destruction of all documents.

2.0        SCOPE:

This SOP is applicable to the entire documents management and destruction (except account and Excise department) available in -------------------------


The responsibility of document control lies with all concerning Department Heads.

4.0        ACCOUNTABILITY:                       

The Accountability of compliance of the sop is of all Department Heads.

The Accountability of implementation and compliance of the SOP is of Quality Assurance Head.

5.0        PROCEDURE:


5.1.1        There is a master standard operating procedure (SOP) for the preparation of other SOPs, STP, STS and related documents of all departments.

5.1.2        User departments are responsible for preparation and revision of the documents. User department Head shall approve all the related documents and QA Head shall provide final authorization of all the documents. The distribution, retrieval and destruction of the documents shall be done by QA department after authorization by QA Head. Necessary records shall be maintained for issuance and destruction.

5.1.3        All the Master documents shall be stored with QA department.

5.1.4        Controlled copy of the documents shall be distributed to User Department by QA Department.

5.2              The other documents prepared at the site are:

5.2.1        Site Master File

5.2.2        Quality Manual

5.2.3        Validation Master File

5.2.4        Validation Protocols and reports (air handling unit validation, instrument qualification, equipment qualification, computer validation, water system validation, process validation, cleaning validation, etc).

5.2.5        Analytical Method Validation

5.2.6        Master Formula Records (MFR)

5.2.7        Batch Manufacturing Record (BMR) and Batch packaging record (BPR)

5.2.8        Standard operating procedures

5.2.9        Internal Audit Reports

5.2.10    Standard Products Specifications

5.2.11    Standard Testing procedures

5.2.12    Annual Product Quality Review

5.2.13    Job Responsibilities

5.2.14    Approved Vendor List

5.2.15    In Process Control Specifications

5.3              Document control is the responsibility of QA Department. All the documents like BMR/ BPR, Standard Operating Procedures, Specifications, STP, Validation protocols/Reports etc. are controlled by QA Department.


Original copy (i.e. signed copy) of all the Documents shall be stamped with “MASTER COPY” in green colour ink on all pages of the document at the top and considered as Master Copy. Photocopies of the master copy of document shall be made and issued to the concerned department by QA department.

 5.5  Preparation and revision of the documents is the responsibility of the concerned department, approval to the documents shall be done by concerned department head  and authorization by QA Head. Documents shall be reviewed whenever there is any change which has a potential impact on quality, safety and efficacy of the product or system or as per review period specified in respective document. After revision of each document, it will have same Document Number; however the Next Review Date, Revision No. and Effective Date will be change. Revision number will be change to next number (i.e. R0 to R1, R1 to R2…..) Superseded Document shall be kept by stamping as ‘Obsolete Copy’ on each page of the document in red ink and shall be kept.


                        Distribution and control of documents is the responsibility of QA Department.

5.6.1        QA Officer / Executive shall receive the request for required documents and formats in Document Issuance requisition Format No.: F/QA-013-01 duly signed with reason for the requirement.

5.6.2        The Document and formats Issuance Requisition shall be approved by concerned Department Head or his designee and authorized by QA Head or his designee.

5.6.3        After the authorization of requisition by QA Head, quality assurance officer/executive shall allocate the unique requisition number as per following procedure.

The Document Issuance requisition shall be numbered as - @@/DR/XXYYY

Where @@ indicates the name of the Department raising the requisition.

DR - Document Requisition.

XX - Year, (18 for 2018)

YYY - Serial Number (001)

                                    Codes for individual department shall be as follows –

Sr. no.


Code No.


Quality Assurance



Quality Control






Personnel & Administration






Ware house (RM/PM)



Finished Goods






                                    DR – Document Requisition.

                                    X – The last digit represent for the Year 2015

                                    YYY – Serial number of requisition

5.6.4        Controlled Documents

Documents which are used by various departments as reference documents/ guidance/ record purpose and which are version controlled shall be issued as controlled copies.          

5.6.5        Uncontrolled Documents

When a document which is issued as controlled documents within the premises is required to be issued as hard copies to outside agency, then shall be issued as uncontrolled copy. However when the same document sent to the concerned party/ authority etc through mail, then these shall be issued as scanned copies of master copies (i.e. without any uncontrolled stamp)

5.6.6        Site Master File, Quality Manual, VMP etc are though version controlled but meant for    distribution to external agencies, shall be issued as photocopies or as scanned mail copy.

5.6.7        Documents like index of Standard Operating Procedures, Approved vendor list, documents received from other parties (e.g. approved vendor list, standard test procedures, raw materials and packaging material specifications, technology transfer documents etc) which are required to be distributed, shall be distributed by QA Department.

5.6.8        The documents which shall be used by the individual department shall be photocopied by QA department on written request and stamped with the following stamp in blue ink before issue. The records for issuing the documents shall be maintained.




Sign: ……    Date: ……






5.6.9        When the formats are to be issued as preprinted registers or log books, then these individual pages has to be numbered and these are submitted to QA Department for issuance. The log books shall be issued by putting above stamp on first page whereas the back side of last page and front page back side shall be stamped with below stamp with remark so as to indicate the number of pages from to in the log book. The records for issuing the formats or log books shall be maintained in Document Issue, Retrieval LogF/QA-013-02.

5.6.10    Similarly BMR/ BPR, on requisition by Production, shall be issued by QA department with above stamp in red ink on all pages and duly signed and dated by QA Officer.


Preet Remedies Ltd.

Uncontrolled Copy

Sign……. Date……

All the controlled documents when required to be issued to any outside agencies, over which the Ankur Drugs and Pharma Ltd. does not have any direct control and / or retrieval of the document is not sure, then all such controlled documents shall be issued as uncontrolled copy. The required numbers of copy shall be made by photocopy of master copy and shall be stamped with the following stamp in Black ink at the bottom of the right hand side of the footer and signed by QA officer.




5.7              RETRIEVAL OF DOCUMENTS:

5.7.1        If any document is revised or deleted, then all the copies of the previously distributed documents shall be withdrawn by QA department.

5.7.2        The Master Copy of the previously distributed documents shall be stamped with “OBSOLETE COPY” stamp with sign and dated by QA Officer and kept in QA department. The previously distributed documents shall be stored & destruction after retrieving as per SOP No.: SOP-QA-27

Preet Remedies Ltd.



Sign……. Date……






5.7.3        If any Format is revised or deleted, then all the copies of the previously distributed Format or Log Books shall be returned to QA department. The empty pages of the log book shall be striked out. Records of the same is maintained in, Document Issue, Retrieval Log F/QA-013-02 and shall be stored with QA department for any reference in future.

5.7.4        The log books running and/ or completed during the year, shall be maintained with respective user department during the year. However at end of the calendar year, all the formats or log books which are completed, like Area cleaning, Temp./ %RH monitoring, Balance records verification , riser filter cleaning , fly-o-cide cleaning  etc. shall be submitted to QA department at the end of its time period (i.e end of year).

5.8              Master copy of all the Documents shall be kept with QA Department in proper manner such that there is no risk of loosing them or getting damaged. Documents stored in electronic form (in the form of soft copy) must be subjected to the same level of control as those in hard copy form and must be held for the periods defined for hard data using a method which protects the data from loss, alteration or completion and enables retrieval and releasing of the record during the defined storage time period.

5.9              All the documents shall be stored in QA Documentation room with proper status label. The respective document shall be destroyed by shredding, after the defined storage period as per SOP No.: SOP-QA-027.

5.10          All the live documents shall be reviewed in every two years or earlier when required for any updation in the documents unless otherwise specified on the documents. Periodic revision of the documents requires no change control whereas any updation in the documents requires change control.

5.11          Document Rectification

5.11.1    Overwriting in the documents shall be avoided.

5.11.2    If there is any mistake or typographical error observed in the already implemented document (such as SOP’s, STP’s etc.), Document Rectification form to that particular document shall be prepared as per Annexure-I and the document shall not go under revision immediately however the correction shall be taken into the consideration during subsequent revision of the document.

5.11.3    The approved document rectification form shall be attached along with the master document and control copies issued.

5.11.4    For executed documents (such as issued BMR, Issued formats etc.), if any error is cited in the document same shall be corrected by individual department & counter sign by QA. Error shall be immediately corrected in the master document and sign by QA; same shall be corrected in the master document during next revision.

6.0        LIST OF ANNEXURE AND FORMATS:                            

Sr. No.

Title of Format

Format No.


Requisition for Document Issuance.



Document Issue, Retrieval Log.



External document receiving, issuance and retrieval record.



Index of SOP.



Document Rectification Form



Issuance of Master and other documents for reference purpose



Check List of Log Book Retrieval.


7.0        REFERENCES:

7.1              SOP-QA-001

7.2              SOP-QA-014

7.3              F/QA-001-01

7.4              SOP-QA-027.

7.5              F/QA-038-01

8.0        REVISION HISTORY:  

Sr. No.


Reason for Revision

Revision No







Schedule Revision



Sr. No





Quality Assurance



Standard operating procedure





From,                                                                                                                                                                                           Date:______________________________


Section:______________________                                                                                                                    Requisition No.:_____________________


Quality Assurance Department

Please issue the following documents:

Sr. No.


Name Of  Document

Document   No.

Reason for Issuance

No. of Copies

Returnable / Non Returnable

Tentative Date of Returning












































Requisition By

Department HOD Checked By

QA Designee / HOD Approved By







Req. No.

Name Of  Document

Document No.

No. Of Copies

Copies Distributed to

Issued by/on

Received by/on

Retrieved  by /on

Received back by/on




























































































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