Pharmaceutical Guidelines

Quality Assurance (QA) in the Pharmaceutical industry, is very essential for ensuring that Pharmaceutical Products are manufactured to a safe and consistent standard, and references with the guidelines, WHO, GMP are the main principles for pharmaceutical products.




Thursday, 26 November 2020



1.0              OBJECTIVE:

To lay down a procedure for measurement & recording of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Differential Pressure in controlled areas.

2.0              SCOPE:

This SOP is applicable for monitoring and recording the temperature (°C), Relative humidity (%) and differential pressure (Pa) in controlled areas using wet and dry bulb or digital hygrometers or by using Psycrometer for temperature and relative humidity and Magnehelic gauge for Differential Pressure in controlled areas of Production, Quality Control, Warehouse and Control Sample room at -------------------

3.0              RESPONSIBILITY:

3.1   Personnel of concern department are responsible for monitoring and verification for Temperature,Relative Humidity and Differential Pressure.

3.2      Head-Concerned department is responsible to ensure the prevailing Temperature, Relative Humidity and Differential Pressure is within limits as per SOP.

4.0              ACCOUNTABILITY:                       

Head-Q.A shall be accountable for implementation and compliance of SOP.

5.0              PROCEDURE:          

5.1              Procedure for Monitoring of Temperature, Relative Humidity by Psycrometer and Wet and Dry bulb Hygrometer. 

5.1.1        Check the calibration status of the instrument.

5.1.2        Check and ensure that the wick is fixed on the wet bulb thermometer.

5.1.3        Fill the cistern with purified water at the start of the shift.

5.1.4        Check and ensure that the wick is wet.

5.1.5        Check that both the thermometers are fixed properly.

5.1.6        Operation:

5.1.7        Swing the Psycrometer gently for about 2 minutes and then check the reading of wet and dry bulb thermometer in the respective area and In case of dry and wet hygrometer (zeal type), check the reading directly without swinging.

5.1.8        Subtract the reading of the wet bulb from that of dry bulb column and the difference will give the depression value.

5.1.9        If the instrument show the reading in Fahrenheit (0 F) then convert the Fahrenheit reading in 0C by using formula given below.

 °C = (0 F-32/ 9) X 5

5.1.10    Refer to the Temperature and Humidity chart as per Annexure A/QA-045-01 to locate the readings of dry bulb and the depression value given by the Psycrometer. Read the % RH at the intersection of the two columns. In case, values of dry bulb and depression of wet bulb fall as shown in example (b), interpolate the values as given below.

5.1.11    The following examples illustrate the method of using the table.

(a)    Dry Bulb …. …. …. 30 °C

Wet Bulb …. …. …. 25 °C

Hence the depression of the Wet Bulb: 30 °C – 25 °C = 5 °C

Reading directly from the tables, the relative humidity is 65 % (intersection value of 30 °C of dry bulb and 5 °C of depression value)

(b)    Dry Bulb …. …. …. 23.5 °C

Wet Bulb …. …. …. 16 °C

The depression of the wet Bulb: 23.5 °C – 16.0 °C=7.5 °C

To find the relative humidity, intersection value of 23.5 °C of dry bulb and 7.5 °C depression of wet bulb is required.

But 23.5 is not available in Temperature and Humidity chart, So, mean of intersection value of 23 °C of dry bulb and 7.5 °C depression of wet bulb and 24 °C of dry bulb and 7.5 °C depression of wet bulb is noted as below

The readings are as follows:

Dry Bulb (°C)

Depression of Wet Bulb °C = 7.5°C





5.1.12    The mean of two readings i.e. 41 and 43 is 42.Hence the relative humidity is 42%.

5.1.13    The dry bulb reading indicates the prevailing temperature of the respective area.

5.1.14    Record the Temperature and Relative Humidity at starting of the shift + 30 min and after every 4 hours ± 30 minutes till completion of the activity or end of shift whichever is later in Format No.: F/QA-045-01 or F/QA-045-02

5.1.15    If the temperature and/or humidity is not within the limits till 15 minutes, discontinue the activity and Inform to QA and Engineering Dept.

5.1.16    Engineering department along with QA shall investigate the reason for deviation in temperature and/or humidity and rectify the same. In case of major breakdown, Final decision should be taken by QA for line of action.

5.2              Maintenance of Psycrometer and Wet and Dry bulb Hygrometer:

5.2.1        Ensure that sufficient purified water is available in the cistern.

5.2.2        Ensure that the wick is clean and wet.

5.2.3        Ensure that the top end of the wick covers the bulb completely. (To ensure, the wick may be fastened or tied to wet bulb).

5.2.4        Check and ensure that no scales or deposit are observed on the wick. Replace the wick as and when required.

5.2.5        Psycrometer and Hygrometer should be calibrated once in year by external approved party.

5.3              Precautions to be taken During Handling of Psycrometer or Wet and Dry bulb Hygrometer :

5.3.1        Ensure that product in the respective area is in closed condition.

5.3.2        Before swinging the Psycrometer in the air, ensure that the Psycrometer will not touch with any wall, nearby equipment etc.

5.3.3        Handle the Psycrometer and hygrometer carefully.

5.3.4        While handling if thermometer got damaged, inform to QA for further action.

5.3.5        Clean the broken mercury thermometer in the area as per annexure A/QA-045-03.

5.4              Procedure for monitoring of Temperature and Relative Humidity by Digital hygrometer

5.4.1        Check the calibration status of the instrument.

5.4.2        Check the temperature and relative humidity displayed in the digital hygrometer monitor.

5.4.3        Record the Temperature and Relative Humidity at starting of the shift + 30 min and after every 4 hours ± 30 minutes till completion of the activity or end of shift whichever is later in Format No. F/QA-045-01 or F/QA-045-02.

5.4.4        Record the previous day minimum and maximum temperature and relative humidity in the format number F/QA-045-01 or F/QA-045-02. Record the minimum and maximum at the time of observing and recording daily initial reading. Recording of minimum and maximum reading as per procedure given below in the pictorial display.

Displaying minimum maximum value

5.4.5        Record the min and max temperature and RH from hygrometer display menu by pressing “MODE” key.

5.4.6        Delete the minimum and maximum reading from the memory of hygrometer that is required to leave memory space to record the next day min and max reading.

5.4.7        For resetting the minimum value, press “MODE” key for 3 seconds and then press “SET” key, it will reset the min value.

5.4.8        For resetting the maximum value, press “MODE” key for 3 seconds and then press “SET” key, it will reset the max value.

Resetting minimum maximum value

5.5              Procedure for monitoring of Differential Pressure in Different Areas:

5.5.1        AHUs of all areas (Cubicle and adjacent area) should be started 20 to 30 minutes before starting the activity of respective areas.

5.5.2        Ensure that the door of the cubicle and adjacent area are in closed condition.

5.5.3        Read the value (differential pressure between adjacently located areas) on wall mounted Magnehelic gauge which is directly corresponding to the pointer needle, if the indicator needle rests in between two divisions on the scale, the average of both readings to be considered.

e.g.: Magnehelic gauge

Range: 0 to 60 Pa.

5.5.4        Each subdivision is equal to 02 Pa. If the pointer needle indicates on 3rd division after 10 Pa (digit 10 available in print) then the reading shall be considered to be 16 Pa.

5.5.5        Record the difference pressure (Magnehelic gauge) at starting the shift + 30 min and after every 4 hours ± 30 minutes till completion of the activity or end of shift whichever is later in Format no F/QA-045-04.

5.5.6        If the difference pressure is not within the limits till 15 minutes, discontinue the activity and Inform to QA and Engineering Dept.

5.5.7        Engineering department along with QA shall investigate the reason for deviation in temperature and/or humidity and rectify the same. In case of major breakdown, Final decision should be taken by QA for line of action.

5.5.8        Magnehelic gauge should be calibrated once in six months by external approved party.

5.5.9        Ensure the tag affixed below the magnehelic gauge as per Format no F/QA-045-04. The tag shall be prepared as per F/QA-045-04. The same shall be verified by QA.

5.6              If the Temperature, Relative Humidity & Differential Pressure are out of the acceptance criteria, in that case the person monitoring the Temperature, Relative Humidity & Differential Pressure shall inform to Maintenance & QA department for preventive & corrective action.

5.6.1        Final decision should be taken by QA for line of action.

NOTE:            For monitoring and recording the temperature (°C) and Relative humidity (%) in controlled areas either Hygrometers or Psycrometer can be used depending on the availability of the instrument.

All the hygrometers shall be placed at the hot spots identified in each room,



Sr. No.


Annexure and Format Number


Temperature and Relative Humidity Record by ‘’Wet and Dry Bulb”



Temperature And Relative Humidity Record By ‘’Digital Hygrometer’’



Record for Differential pressure



Tag for Room differential pressure



List of Area and Acceptance Criteria for Temperature and RH.



Table of wet and dry bulb thermometer readings with corresponding percentages of humidity. ( Psychrometric chart)



Cleaning up mercury spills


7.0              REFERENCES:


8.0              REVISION HISTORY:

Sr. No.


Reason for Revision

Revision No







Schedule Revision



9.0              ABBREVIATIONS:

Sr. No.





Degree Centigrade



Relative Humidity













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